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We believe that travel provides opportunities that can make life and the world around us better

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We are committed

To making sure that everyone, everywhere can benefit from travel at the lowest prices, while keeping in mind the social, economic and environmental impact of our operations. Our strategy is built on low fares and a diverse network, supported by efficient and sustainable operations and high-quality customer service.

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aircraft by 2030
average age of our fleet
professionals working for you
reduction of CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre by 2030
making a direct impact on the UN’s SDGs
efficiency improvement vs A320ceo
events across Europe
Point to point
network instead of a hub system

As one of the fastest growing airlines,

...our ultra-low-cost business model means that we are able to offer the lowest fares to our customers and make flying affordable for more people than ever before. At the same time, we are also conscious of the many economic, social and environmental developments impacting our communities and have a number of initiatives which show how WIZZ Cares is at the heart of our sustainability efforts.

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We aspire to be the enabler of a future where everyone
has the opportunity to live up to their full potential.

Our people pillar consists of two parts – customers and employees. We believe in a future where everyone has the chance to realise their full potential. We work hard to develop our services, to enhance our customer experience and to empower our people while supporting the communities we serve. We have operations at 194 airports in 54 countries and it is our aim to build active relationships with the communities in each of our markets. Over the years, we’ve devoted ourselves to local community projects across our markets, an initiative which fosters a stronger bond between our employees and the communities in which we operate.

Directly making impact on 4 of The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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Our customers

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We want to be the greenest choice for air travel.

Directly making impact on 5 of The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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Wizz Air’s carbon emission

Financial year 2013
Financial year 2014
Financial year 2015
Financial year 2016
Financial year 2017
Financial year 2018
Financial year 2019
Financial year 2020
Financial year 2021
Financial year 2022
Financial year 2023

As a result of the numerous fuel-saving initiatives and constant modernization of our technology, we are proud to have one of the lowest emission intensity rates in the European aviation industry. In the 2020 Financial Year, carbon emissions per passenger kilometer were 57.28 grams, down from 59.9, which is almost half the industry average. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the lower load factors on our flights, our carbon efficiency was negatively impacted in 2021 Financial Year. Since then, Wizz Air has witnessed a noteworthy improvement which was not present everywhere within the industry. Moving into the 2023 Financial Year, there was a continued progress as passenger load factors further improved, consequently leading to a reduction in emissions intensity, reaching 53.8 g CO2/RPK - the lowest ever carbon intensity, reported by Wizz Air for a 12-month period. Read more in our annual report.

Commitment to further reduce our environmental impact

Wizz Air is strongly committed to reducing climate change impact globally and locally alike. We support the Paris Agreement aiming to limit temperature rise below 1.5C as well as the European Green Deal and the Destination 2050 guidelines aiming to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Wizz Air is proud to have the lowest CO2 emissions (G/RPK) in Europe. We commit to further reducing our CO2 emission by 25% until 2030 compared to 2019 levels and to further limiting other greenhouse gas emissions. The ambitious plan is driven by our latest technology fleet, fuel saving initiatives and usage of sustainable aviation fuel.

Alongside technology and operational improvements, alternative fuels are an essential part of decarbonising the industry. Wizz Air has established its SAF strategy, which includes securing offtake agreements with suppliers for the future. To support Wizz Air’s ambitious sustainability journey and ensure sufficient supplies of SAF to meet future blending mandates, the Company has signed Memorandum of Understandings with several SAF providers.

On 10 May, Wizz Air took off from Budapest Airport for the first time using a blend of Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel™ supplied by MOL. During the SAF test, Wizz Air's five newest Airbus A321neo aircraft were fuelled with a total blend of 23.5 tonnes containing 37% pure SAF and 63% Jet A1 fuel. The aircraft carried passengers from Budapest to Paris, Luqa (Malta), Madrid, Castellon, Eindhoven. Due to the crucial role of SAF in decarbonising aviation, in April 2023, the airline announced that it is investing £5,000,000 to support Firefly’s SAF process development to achieve ASTM qualification. This is Wizz Air’s first equity investment in SAF research and development.

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-25% CO2 emission reduction by 2030
80 70 60 50 40 30
CO2 emission / RPKM
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Carbon offsetting

Offset journeys

Wizz Air has launched a carbon offsetting scheme as part of its wider commitment to reducing emissions intensity, in November 2020, enabling passenger to calculate their flights’ environmental impact and offset the carbon emissions thereof. The scheme, in partnership with climate-focused technology company, Chooose, provides passengers with the option to offset their journeys by supporting trusted, high-impact climate projects around the world.


We are proud to offer to our passengers a fully transparent travel footprint calculator where passengers can easily calculate and offset their flights’ carbon emissions. Wizz Air acknowledges that offsetting will not make flying greener, at the same time, our carbon calculator enables customers to support carbon projects certified to leading global carbon standards.

Offset your emission today

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A321neo – a true game changer

less fuel burn vs. A320ceo based on RPK
less CO2 emissions vs. A320ceo based on RPK
flying further vs A320ceo
lower noise vs A320ceo
lower unit costs vs A320ceo


Paperless Flight deck

We use tablets in our flight decks, saving over
25,000 printed pages in each aircraft

Lighter seats

Continuously investing in newer, lighter seats

Washing engines more often
than required by regulation

We wash every engine around ten times per year – the cleaner they are,
the smoother they run, and therefore less fuel is needed.

Single engine taxiing after landing

Saving fuel by turning off one of the engines after arrival

Lowest CO2 emissions per passenger in the industry

Since 2012, we have implemented several projects including the improvement of
our flying speed and approach and optimised our network which add up to  
nearly 100,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year (3% per aircraft)

Reducing noise pollution

Vortex generators reduce noise levels


These amazing inventions can reduce fuel burn by 2% and CO2 emissions by 540 tonnes per year per plane. The whole fleet will be equipped by 2024.


From 2020, our Airbus321neo
aircraft will have new brakes
which are 20 kg lighter

On-board magazine

Printed from lightweight recycled paper

Using GPU instead of APU - savings of 200 kg per hour

When available, we use electricity from the ground (GPU) to power our aircraft
during turnaround at our destinations, which can save 200 kg of fuel per hour


We strive to be an economy booster for WIZZ destinations.

Affordable air travel can improve the lives of many travellers, but it’s easy to forget how it can impact a city. Few things are as good for a city’s economy as direct air links – particularly when those air links are at Wizz Air’s lowest fares. As more and more people have access to affordable air travel, more travellers boost the local economy of the places they visit.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Wizz Air Group is devoting special attention to environmental, social and economic responsibility during its operations and has introduced its renewed Supplier Code of Conduct as of April 2021. Wizz Air is committed to doing business with suppliers and partners who supply products and/or services to Wizz Air Group who share Wizz Air`s commitments towards an environmentally and commercially sustainable operation and operates with high social and labour standards. The Supplier Code of Conduct applies to all Suppliers of Wizz Air as well as their suppliers and sub-contractors and it forms integral part of all contracting packages and processes.

Directly making impact on 1 of The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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Board/Management, quality & integrity

Full board oversight via the Sustainability and Culture Committee. By 2026, we pledge to achieve a rate of at least 40% female representation in management positions (Heads, Officers, EVPs and CEO). For this, we have included the gender diversity of the Management Team in our reward structure as of financial year 2022. We have also made a strong commitment to close the diversity gap in our Board room, with the aim of achieving a 33% female board of directors by 2026, in accordance with the Hampton Alexander initiative.

Risk Management

The Board has a full oversight of the Enterprise Risk Management process (ERM), with a robust assessment of the principal risks related to the business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity of Wizz Air. We manage climate related and ESG risks through our corporate ERM framework.

Audit & Risk Committee

This risk management process feeds into the Risk Council, into the Audit and Risk Committee and into the Board of Directors and as such has strong support and priority in terms of driving our business plans and the actions to mitigate the risks.

As of Financial Year 2021, Wizz Air has aligned its external reporting with the TCFD recommendations.

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People Environment Economy Governance

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